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Bursaries, Scholarships & Awards


The information listed here is based on information we have received on various scholarships, bursaries and awards that are available to graduating students.

Some of these are provincial, national and international awards and scholarships with varied criteria, guidelines and submission deadlines. As well,post-secondary institutions will offer their own slate of awards and scholarships. We try to keep this information as up to date as possible, but it is the responsibility of each student to check the websites for updates and the criteria associated with specific universities or colleges.

Many local industries and employers offer scholarships and/or bursaries to children of their employees. We would suggest that you have your parents check with their place of employment to see if assistance is available and if you are eligible.


  1. Start a scholarship file to keep copies of scholarship applications, deadlines and letters of reference.

    2. Before applying for any scholarship, create a list of all community and school activities you have been involved in during your high school years. Highlight your leadership roles. Save this to refer to when preparing applications and to give to people who will be providing letters of reference for you.

    3. Consider who will be willing and able to write a strong letter of reference for you. References might be teachers, coaches, employers, club leaders etc. Ahead of time, mention that you will be applying for scholarships this year and ask if you might use them as a reference if needed. Ensure you have their proper contact information. When a reference letter is required, give the person at least a week’s notice. Ask the person to save the letter so that it can be modified for future scholarships.
  2. Once you’ve narrowed down a list of scholarships to apply to select the ones which are most suitable. Read the eligibility criteria and consider the number of scholarships awarded. Applying for scholarships can be very time-consuming and you will need to pace yourself. Some applications with later deadlines will not be available when you first look. Create a system to remind yourself in time to prepare applications.
  3. Most application scholarships require you to write a 300-600 word essay about yourself and why you would be a good candidate. Many people will not go to the trouble and will give up on the scholarship. Once you have written this once and saved it, it will be much easier next time to tailor it. It is important to customize your essay for each scholarship to answer the question as it is written.
  4. Some scholarships require an essay on a topic of importance to the granting organization. This will require research, writing and editing. Time management will be very important.
  5. Many applications are on PDF files. If necessary, type your answers into Word and paste them onto the forms. Handwritten forms are more difficult to read for evaluators and should be a last resort.
  6. If a transcript is required, request it in Student Services. Do this well ahead of time to ensure it can be done in time.


  • Have someone proofread your application
  • Keep a copy of your entire application.
  • Complete it well before the deadline.
  • Send your reference person a thank you note.
  • Always be truthful in your application.
  • Check the bulletin board in Student Services for the latest scholarship information received by the school.


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