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Principal's Message

Principal's Message

At South Grenville District High School, we strive to foster great character, self-confidence, initiative and a sense of accomplishment in all of our students each and every day. We ensure a physically safe environment where student engagement through real world learning is our academic priority. In aligning our school with the UCDSB goal of a 90% graduation rate, each day we are preparing our students to become proficient individuals who will graduate from high school and into a limitless post-secondary path of their own choosing. We believe that all students can learn; and ALL means ALL. We prepare all students for a successful life.

We pride ourselves in our partnerships with parents and our community. Our parent and community volunteers help shape the lives of our students. We have a dedicated School Advisory Council that is focused on supporting our educational programming in a variety of ways. We place a great deal of importance on technology in all our classrooms. Our teachers use specialized tech equipment in our automotive and construction shop programs. We offer hairstyling and hospitality courses. We use SMART boards, SMART TVs and adaptive technology in order to enhance student engagement and to meet the needs of all students on a daily basis. We are committed to providing honest Indigenous Education programs to work toward understanding and reconciliation. We are proud to offer two gymnasiums and a fitness room to support student wellness. We prepare students for a variety of pathways and support learning to 18 with a variety of strategies. We certainly provide smooth transitions for students as they move to and from secondary school.

Our students have the opportunity to participate in many extra-curricular activities. At South Grenville DHS, we offer a variety of clubs and athletic opportunities for our students. Some of the exciting activities that become part of the South Grenville DHS experience include many inter-school sports teams, Relay for Life, Spirit of Giving, Equity Club and Spirit Days.

We look forward to new registrants at any point in the school year!

Trisha Johnston

Trisha Johnston

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