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SGDHS Wall of Fame

SGDHS Wall of Fame

South Grenville DHS Wall of Fame was established to create a lasting tribute to those who have brought honor to themselves, their school, and our/their communities.

The Wall of Fame inductees may be outstanding scholars, leaders and/or athletes. They may have achieved great success in their chosen careers and/or made notable contributions to their communities. They also may be administrators, teachers or coaches who have gone above and beyond in their dedication to South Grenville and its students.

We are seeking your help in continuing the process of recognizing outstanding individuals worthy of induction into our Wall of Fame. The award is presented during our commencement ceremony in June. Nominators will be asked to provide information on a nominee’s academic and professional achievements, volunteer efforts, as well as applicable military, artistic, political and athletic achievements. Nomination forms can be picked up at the main office, or the form can be printed by clicking the following link: SGDHS Wall of Fame Nomination Form.pdf 
For more information call South Grenville DHS: 613.925.2855.



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